McDonaldland Wiki

McDonaldland "The Last Fry" Commercial is a McDonaldland commercial that debuted in 1999. It features Ronald McDonald playing against the Hamburglar to try and win the last french fry.

The commercial was revised in 2000; the set from the previous received minor changes, and actor David Hussey replaced Jack Doepke as Ronald McDonald.


  • Ronald McDonald - The clown who tries and succeeds in beating Hamburglar in a video game.
  • Hamburglar - The burglar who competes with Ronald McDonald in trying to win in a video game.


Here is the dialog for both the 1999 and 2000 versions of the commercial.

1999 Version[]

  • Ronald McDonald: The last fry!
  • Hamburglar: Play ya for it!
  • Ronald McDonald: Okay...
  • Ronald McDonald: You better ketch-up!
  • Hamburglar: That was so funny I forgot to laugh!
  • Ronald McDonald: Go one for the run, man!
  • Hamburglar: And two for me!

2000 Version[]

  • Ronald McDonald: The last fry!
  • Hamburglar: Play ya for it!
  • Ronald McDonald: You better ketch-up!
  • Hamburglar: That was so funny I forgot to laugh!
  • Ronald McDonald: Huuwuuahhhhohh!
  • Ronald McDonald: Go one for the run, man!
  • Hamburglar: And two for me!

Promotional Material[]

Both the 1999 and 2000 versions last around 15 seconds, allowing another 15 seconds to be used by promotional material for Happy Meal toys.

These versions were used along with promotions for: Doug's 1st Movie toys, Monster Crazy Bones figures and Disney Home Video figures.


Here are three videos; one of them contains the 1999 version with the slogan "Did somebody say McDonald's?" and the two others contain the 2000 version with the slogan "Smile." All three are in semi-decent quality.

Thanks to that90sguy and Cute 90's Girl for uploading these commercials.


McDonald's Ad- Disney Home Video Toys (2000)


McDonald's Ad- Monster Crazy Bones (2000)


McDonald's Ad- Doug's 1st Movie (1999)